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How Are Your Writing Skills?
Quick Reference Guide To Writing
1) Prewrite:
*Brainstorm topics you might want to write about.
*Create a list of details for each topic.
*Choose the most interesting topic you know best.
*Gather information.
2) Write:
*Compose sentences that tell about the main idea.
*Put events in proper sequence or order.
*Select sequence words like first, next, and last.
*Compare things using er, est, more, or most.
*Show; dont tell to describe events (use 5 senses).
*Write a rough draft focusing on content first.
3) Revise:
*Read your rough draft to make changes for clarity.
*Use more exact words to describe your thoughts.
*Cut out excessive words that dont add meaning.
*Ensure that each sentence has a subject and verb.
*Combine sentences to make your writing smooth.
*Keep verbs in the same tense as the story time.
*Request a parent or friend to read your writing.
*Listen to suggestions on improving your writing.
4) Proofread:
*Review and read your writing out loud.
*Check correct usage of capital letters.
*Check correct usage of punctuation marks.
*Check correct usage of grammar.
*Check correct spelling of all words.
*Check correct usage of verb forms.
Dreading and Having Difficulties with Word Problems?
Here are some valuable strategies for solving word problems.
Four Steps to Success
Read and Comprehend the Problem.
Develop a Plan.
Solve the Problem.
Check If the Solution is Reasonable.
What is important about this problem?
What do I need to find out?
What information do I already know?
What details are missing and needed to solve the problem?
Checklist for Making a Plan
1. Choose An Operation (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication or Division).
2. Draw a Picture or Diagram.
3. Use/Make a List.
4. Make a Table, Chart, or Graph.
5. Look for a Pattern.
6. Guess and Check.
7. Work Backwards.
8. Use Logical Reasoning.
Know the Types of Numbers
Numbers are identified by their type.
The first type is the counting or natural number.
This is the first type you learned when you started to count. These numbers are:
Another type of number is the whole number.
This type includes all of the natural numbers and starts with 0. These numbers are:
Yet another type is the integer.
This type includes 0 and all of the natural numbers- both positive and negative numbers.
The next type is the "rational" or fractional number.
This type is considered a ratio and is written as a fraction. Please note that you can turn any integer into a fraction by writing the number over 1. For example the integer 4 can be written as 4/1. Fractions can be written as terminating (ending) such as 5/10 or .50, or they can be repeating decimals such as 1/3 or .333333
Furthermore, all numbers that can be written as non-repeating and non-ending decimals are irrational.
For example, the number pi (3.1415926
) and the square root of the number 2 (1.14213562
) do not repeat or end.
What is the difference between real and imaginary numbers?
Real numbers are composed of all rational and irrational numbers and basically every number you have ever seen. However, not all numbers are real. There are numbers that have "i" in them, and they are called imaginary numbers. The imaginary number is equal to the square root of negative one. Any real number multiplied by "i" is an imaginary number. Unless the number has an "i" in it, it's a real number. A complex number is a combination of a real number and an imaginary number and can be written like 4+3i.
So now that you have a basic idea of the different types of numbers, let's practice. Classify the numbers according to their type. Please note that some may be of more than one type.
1) -10
This is an integer, rational, and real number.
2) 0
This is a whole, integer, and real number.
3) 17
This is a counting, whole, integer, rational, and real number.
4) 1/4 or .25
This is a rational and real number.
5) Pi or 3.141592653
This is an irrational and real number.
6) 2 2/3
This is a rational and real number.
7) Square root of 16
This is a counting, whole, integer, rational, and real number.
8) 0 + 3i
This is an imaginary and complex number.